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PK Driving School Reviews

This page reviews PK Driving School and their driving lessons. The information is coming from the driving school website or other resource. The information is subject to change on an irregular basis due to PK Driving School can change their website without telling us.

For anyone has done any driving lessons with this driving school, please give it a rating and leave comment. That will help a lot for other people looking for a quality driving school.

For the driving school, if you want to modify the information provided here, please contact us and we will change it as soon as possible.

About Us

PK driving School consists of highly qualified, professional, patient and friendly driving instructors. Our aim is to produce safe and confident drivers on the road, whilst also making learning to drive an enjoyable and hassle free experience. We provide training for class “C” licences, in both dual controlled automatic and manual vehicles. Our standard driving lesson is 60 minutes and may be extended if required (You may choose how long each of your lesson lasts, an hour is most common but if you want to be taken back home you may not get a full hour of driving practise on the testing area).


Contact Us

Mobile:0423 500 880


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Rating: 2.7/5 (43 votes cast)
PK Driving School Reviews, 2.7 out of 5 based on 43 ratings

6 Responses to PK Driving School Reviews

  1. Unprofessional/ poor customer service

    Unfortunately I had a terrible experience!
    I waited for my lesson that was booked at 10am for over an hour after confirming my lesson few days prior and booking it over 2 weeks ago. I then received a message at 2pm (4hr later)- “sorry we can not, and we will no longer provide service to you!” as I apparently cancelled too many times, I cancelled ONCE!

    If my previous cancelation was an issue I would have at least expected a cancelation message in advance not 4hrs after my lesson was supposed to take place. I even took time off work and study for this lesson.

    Sadly I would not recommend this driving school, they might not be very expensive but in return they are not very professional.

    Extremely disappointed customer

  2. unreliable, unprofessional. never turned up for booked lesson despite confirmation. their excuse – “one of our instructors has become unavailable therefore we had to cancel 50% of our students. we will contact you again soon.” unfortunately they never got in touch again despite numerous attempts to contact them. absolutely lousy.

  3. Don’t know what the people who wrote these horrible reviews were on!! Peter was highly professional, reliable, trustworthy – and just a really gentle and caring instructor. He was always early to pick up
    My daughter for her lessons, and they never finished on the dot of the hour either. he fitted in extra lessons at really short notice. He gave her the confidence to pass her test and to be a consistent and safe driver. Thank you Peter – we can’t recommend your driving school highly enough!!

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